St. Joseph’s Parish Church

The foundation stone was laid on June 9, 1912. Just two years later, on November 22, 1914, the Bishop of that time, Dr. v. Faulhaber dedicated this house of worship. In the summer of 1917, a painter by the name of Ronge from Munich painted the tableaus for the side altars. He also produced the four paintings on the high altar, which show scenes from Jesus’ childhood. He used the paintings by Rogier v. d. Weyden in the Old Pinakothek in Munich as his model. The Holy Trinity grouping, the so-called throne of honor at the high altar was created by Professor Thomas Buscher of Munich. He also executed the pieta in the Ägidien Chapel which was converted in 1925 into a chapel commemorating soldiers killed in action.

The stations of the cross together with the crucifixion altar as well as the statues of St. Aloysius and Joseph are works by the sculptor, George Busch. In 1988/89, the church was completely renovated and in 1990, the new Wilbrand organ was dedicated. (Source: Kleiner Kunstführer (The Little Guidebook of Art): St. Joseph Speyer, Clemens Jöckle)