Old town festival - 08.09. - 09.09.2023
During the two-day festival visitors enjoy bands of several style as well as a rich variety of national and international culinary pleasures. A classic street festival for the senses, where happiness and vitality play a dominant role.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Farmer’s Market - 16.09. – 17.09.2023
Vendors from the Palatinate region present their highly nutrious self-grown products from their agricultural and vinicultural operations, country arts as well as crafts, and invite you to taste regional specialties.
hosted by: Bauernmarkt e.V.
Sciene Fiction / Cosplay weekend - 23.09. - 24.09.2023
Once every year at the end of September, “Fiction Confronts Reality” at Speyer’s Museum of Technology. That’s when a bunch of Star Wars, Star Trek, comic book, anime and manga fans gather in the museum.
hosted by: Technik Museum Speyer
International Music Day Speyer Cathedral - 23.09. - 07.10.2023
The „International Music Day Speyer Cathedral“, the renowned music festival in the cathedral city, this summer once again presents major international companies in the world’s largest Romanesque church.
hosted by: Domkapitel und Stadt Speyer
The Culture-in-a-Bag Festival - 30.09. - 15.10.2023
Theatre, cabaret, music and cra s, all born of the passion to create. This smorgasbord of accessible culture is one of the finest and most-visited festivals of its kind in the metropolitan Rhine- Neckar region
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
SchUM Culture Days - 04.09. - 12.11.2023
Effective 27 July 2021, the SchUM sites in Speyer, Worms and Mainz have been added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. The upcoming SchUM Heritage Days will be presenting exhibitions, concerts and readings celebrating our city’s Jewish heritage.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Fall Fair - 21.10.- 31.10.2023
Many attractions and innovations in all areas guarantee at the minimun, a variety-filled stroll for the whole family.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Christmas- and New Year's Market - 27.11. - 07.01.2024
In the centre of the city, in front of the Old Mint, the magic of the Christmas Market awaits you with its numerous stands. An Arts and Crafts Market will be held on the weekends in Advent at the Courtyard of the Old Town Hall. 25. – 26.12.2022 closed.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
End of winter parade - 10.03.2024
Speyer celebrates the end of winter with a colorful procession through Maximilianstraße.
hosted by: Verkehrsverein e.V
Spring Fair - 28.03.- 14.04.2024
In addition to a large number of attractive fairground rides, an abundance of food stands off ering both hearty and sweet treats await visitors on the Festplatz.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Wein am Dom (Wine Fair) - 13.04. - 14.04.2024
Wine-growers present their products, both newly made and superior wines, as well as sparkling wines.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer, Pfalzwein e.V
Guild Pole Festival - 27.04.2024
On the last Saturday in April, the craftsmen of Speyer celebrate their guild pole festival under the guild pole on Maximilianstraße (opposite the historic town hall). The festival begins with the marching up of the craft smen accompanied by the fanfare procession from the Altpörtel (the main city gate) via Maximilianstraße to the guild pole.
hosted by: Speyerer Handwerkstradition e.V.
Brazzel Day Technik Museum - 11.05. - 12.05.2024
Burning tyres, howling engines, rumbling vintage cars, and the resounding alarm horn of the sea rescue cruiser. The spectacular Technik Museum Speyer action weekend, the “Brazzeltag®”, has all this and much more.
hosted by: Technik Museum Speyer
UNESCO World Heritage Day – Experience and discover diversity - 02.06.2024
On the first Sunday in June, UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany celebrate UNESCO World Heritage Day - on site or digitally and across Germany! Explore, experience and experiment with us!
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Kult(o)urnacht - Date will be announced soon
Fun and Culture – Can they mix? You bet they can! Join us in proving it with exciting activities, music, dance and theatre. For cultural night owls only.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Music Festival - Date will be announced soon
Light and entertaining music is presented by members of the Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz.
hosted by: Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz und Stadt Speyer
Pretzel Party - 11.07. - 16.07.2024
The biggest public festival on the upper Rhine is an absolute must for residents of Speyer and their guests.For six days, there is turmoil on the fairgrounds beneath the cathedral. Every Sunday at the pretzel party – at 1:30 pm – a colored lindworm procession waltzes through the streets of the cathedral city.
hosted by: Verkehrsverein e.V.
Jazz in the Old Town hall yard - Date will be announced soon
Lively and brash, vehement and elegant, traditional as well as contemporary – you never know just what you’ll get at Speyer’s annual jazz festival.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
SchUM Culture Days - September/October 2024
Since July 27, 2021, the SchUM sites in Speyer, Worms and Mainz are World Heritage Sites! The SchUM Culture Days present exhibitions, concerts and readings on the city's Jewish heritage.
Organizer: City of Speyer, Cultural Office and City Partnerships
Old Town Festival - 06.09.- 07.09.2024
During the two-day festival visitors enjoy bands of several style as well as a rich variety of national and international culinary pleasures. A classic street festival for the senses, where happiness and vitality play a dominant role.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Farmer's Market - 14.09. - 15.09.2024
Vendors from the Palatinate region present their highly nutrious self-grown products from their agricultural and vinicultural operations, country arts as well as crafts, and invite you to taste regional specialties.
hosted by: Bauernmarkt e.V.
International Music Day Speyer Cathedral - 21.09. - 03.10.2024
The „International Music Day Speyer Cathedral“, the renowned music festival in the cathedral city, this summer once again presents major international companies in the world’s largest Romanesque church.
hosted by: Domkapitel und Stadt Speyer
Sciene Fiction / Cosplay weekend - 28.09. - 29.09.2024
Once every year at the end of September, “Fiction Confronts Reality” at Speyer’s Museum of Technology. That’s when a bunch of Star Wars, Star Trek, comic book, anime and manga fans gather in the museum.
hosted by: Technik Museum Speyer
The Culture-in-a-Bag Festival - 28.09. - 13.10.2024
Theatre, cabaret, music and cra s, all born of the passion to create. This smorgasbord of accessible culture is one of the finest and most-visited festivals of its kind in the metropolitan Rhine- Neckar region
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Fall Fair - 25.10. - 03.11.2024
Many attractions and innovations in all areas guarantee at the minimun, a variety-filled stroll for the whole family.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer
Christmas- and New Year's Market - 25.11.2024 - 06.01.2025
In the centre of the city, in front of the Old Mint, the magic of the Christmas Market awaits you with its numerous stands. An Arts and Crafts Market will be held on the weekends in Advent at the Courtyard of the Old Town Hall. 25. – 26.12.2022 closed.
hosted by: Stadt Speyer