Original Wine Bars

Stuffed pig’s belly (“Saumagen”), liver dumplings (“Leberknödel”) and who knows what else? Plus wine, of course! After all, you are in Speyer and right in the heart of the Palatinate (“Pfalz”), the second largest wine-growing region in Germany and the largest wine-growing region for riesling wine in the world. So here, it would be a serious blunder not to have a fine wine as the accompaniment to your meal.
Regardless of whether you choose a traditional wine spritzer or a glass of wine by itself — in Speyer’s wine bars, every patron gets his money’s worth. Traditional, quaintly rustic, or upscale, you will find the wine bar of your choice in Speyer.

The Blackbird (“Schwarzamsel”) - Long has this “bird’s nest” in the shadow of the Old City Gate been a Speyer institution. This traditional wine bar also enjoys a reputation throughout Germany because the students and faculty of the German College for Administrative Sciences cherish the impetus gaudere – the self-indulgence – that your every sip of riesling delivers.
The Raven’s Nest (“Rabennest”) Wine Bar – In this small wine bar, you will find a comprehensive menu of traditional Palatine food and wine. Because products from the region are served here, this traditional wine bar bears the “Anterior Palantinate Indulgence” label, conferred by Speyer’s former Lord Mayor, Hansjörg Eger and by the Rhineland-Palatinate’s County Commissioner, Clemens Körner.
The Wonderful Wine Bar (“WeinWunderBar”) – Here the best wines are offered at affordable prices. Whether it’s select wines, food delicacies or home-made veggie-burgers – here, local epicures can get everything they want.

Elwetritch’s Wine Bar and Museum, named after the Palatine’s mythical icon. Palatine culture and enjoyment are combined here in the form of the Elwetritch’s story. This wine bar lets you tie a museum visit together with Palatine home cooking and who knows, maybe you will run into an Elwetritch while you are there?
Additional wine bars:
- The Little Room for Jesters (“Narrenstübchen”)
- Old City Gate Wine Bar
- The Owl Glass (“Eulenspiegel”) Wine Bar
- The Little Room in the Cloister (“Klosterstübchen”)
- The Old Angel (“Zum Alten Engel”)
- At the Old Mint (“Zur Alten Münze”)